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About us

We behave responsibly towards the environment and society

The ORLEN Unipetrol Group, a member of the ORLEN S.A. Group, set up the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation (Nadace ORLEN Unipetrol) at the end of 2016. The Foundation’s primary mission is to support education and popularise science, primarily natural sciences and technical fields, and CSR activities emphasising the support of local communities and the environment.

I. Grants and scholarships

The scholarship programme is intended for secondary school and university students with excellent study results and talents in natural sciences, emphasising chemistry and technology. The grant programme is designed for kindergartens and primary and secondary schools to develop educational activities and implement attractive scientific projects. The grant programme for teachers acknowledges the above-standard approach of teachers of natural sciences who motivate their students to their continuous interest in the curriculum and studies and are actively engaged in self-development to make lessons more attractive.

II. Scientific and educational projects, science popularisation

As part of the Foundation’s support of education and related activities, many educational materials and instructive videos (tutorials) were created. They are now available at Thus, students and teachers can find all documents well-arranged and divided into themes in one place.

By popularising science, we want to bring chemistry closer to students at primary schools and multi-year upper-secondary schools in an entertaining way and show them that chemistry is a modern and attractive discipline whose study paths the way to an endless world of discoveries and is a fantastic opportunity for future realisation. More information about individual projects is available on our website,, or on social media platforms Instagram and Facebook.

III. Corporate social responsibility

Since 2024, the Foundation has also engaged in CSR activities related to the environment, local communities’ support, and volunteering. These activities include supporting volunteering and community projects, fundraising for charity purposes, releasing fish into rivers, supporting the nesting of endangered peregrine falcons, and beekeeping.

The Foundation has long collaborated with many non-profit organisations, also in reaction to current events in society and emergencies. Together with the Uniriders motorbike club, the Foundation regularly organises a Graceful Ride charity that supports ill children in the given region through fundraising. As part of the company’s Sports Club, ORLEN Unipetrol Group employees scale records and help others’ wishes to come true through the Foundation, which changes their sports results into financial help to those in need.

Board of trustees

Prof. Ing. TOMÁŠ HERINK, Ph.D.

Prof. Ing. TOMÁŠ HERINK, Ph.D.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation



Member of the Board of Trustees of the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation

Adam Jaros

Adam Jaros
